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Tørslev Hage – Protection against flooding in a summerhouse area

Tørslev hage is a popular holiday home area on the Hornsherred peninsula on the island of Zealand in Denmark. The area is known for its fine nature and quiet surroundings. Tørslev Hage lies in the narrow straight of Roskilde Fjord. It is a lovely area – but has a high risk of flooding.

To ensure optimal protection against flood damage, FloodFrame has been installed around a 110m2 house in Tørslev Hage.

The house has 12 corners, an elevated wooden terrace with an outdoor veranda supported by pillars.
A customised FloodFrame has been installed around the house with its many corners and pillars. The FloodFrame container cover is coated in a slip resistant material that blends in with the surrounding wooden planks. The FloodFrame system has been  secured in place on top of a concrete foundation, which keep FloodFrame flush with the terrace. The foundation is at a depth of 35 cm,  preventing any flood waters from seeping into the soil  around the house.

The owner has selected a manual solution for the release function.

Hagenæs – “half” a solution

By Hagenæs Jyllinge lies a beautiful house right by the water overlooking Roskilde Fjord. The house is on a steep slope and despite it being above the beach by a few metres, it was flooded by the storm flood “Bodil” in 2013. The owner of the house has chosen a...

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